Saturday, October 22, 2011

Milestones x 2

 duh...the superhero needs to be the in the front
Developmental milestones are best left to occur naturally is the decision I have come to...

About two weeks ago J decided one day that he was no longer going to wear pull ups. While I tried to contain my emotions (I was jumping up and down with excitement inside), I calmly said " Oh good idea honey" and practically ran upstairs to get a pair of his big boy underwear---- with super heroes on them of course! He then decided to to wear them to our friend's house for the evening and then went poop in the big boy potty while he was over there....and viola! A potty trained preschooler! He even drove 8 hours to and from grandpops house in CA with no accidents and has gone to preschool now for two days with no accidents either. I am sooooo relieved and thankful we took Dr. Fern's advice with just letting it be.Of course it took us coming up with a cool name, penis pocket/bucket, for the front of the undies  to convince him to wear them the correct way but once again nature has taken it course and life is good.


brother hang time...
 Aram has started to giggle not just when tickled but when big brother bear does a funny dance--such as the noodle dance, where he wiggles his behind back and forth while eating noodles---you have not tried this, you have to, it is soooo much fun. He also finds it hilarious if you put your face close enough to his and he grabs your nose and when you pull his shirt over his head and say peek a boo. This contagious giggling makes my long days away at work worth every minute of every part of my life. In other words Aram is starting to be aware of others and his surroundings in away that makes play time really fun.

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