Monday, February 20, 2012

Blue Screen of Death

As you may or may not have noticed, I have not offered updates from your favorite family in almost a month.Our computer finally went belly up...yep, the blue screen of death got us. No internet connection, no access to pictures, no typing programs, get the picture...for TWO WHOLE WEEKS, until we got the darn old thing into a computer place for them to restart/wipe clean/erase all programs that we used to use (arrrrggghhhh) so that we could start over again...luckily all data was saved, pictures included (yahhhhh). My saddest realization when we got it back and started it up was my loss of my bookmarks in my internet browser. So now we have a new beautiful computer, an iMac. Yep folks we have ditched the Ford Taurus of computers and got a Lexus of computers. It is like butter under the fingers...and as soon as I learn how to use iPhoto (which I assume will be easy as everything else on a Mac) I will start posting regularly again.

For some reason it takes us a month to get anything done, I will play the two kids card again on this but an honest apology for those of you that are following us here. 

1 comment:

Sydney said...

Glad to see you're back up and running, Kes! Don't you love the new computer?!?