Sunday, April 15, 2012

the last two months...a visual representation

mommy jungle gym
It has been a long two months with lots of growth and fun for our family here are a few pictures and videos to help you see the whole picture of what has happened.

tandem nursing!

this is too cute for words!

how many more babies could we fit in the daddy nest?
Jasper and Aram are still figuring out their roles as brother and frequently I find myself feeling like a referee in a wrestling match. Aram is learning to that if he whines and looks like his brother has done something we will ask "what did you do to your brother?"---even if he did nothing. Man they learn manipulation so early! I got the book Siblings Without Rivalry to try to figure out how to make this conflict go away because it is my least favorite part of the day. Now that Aram is moving and standing up for himself (he likes to pull Jasper's hair if he gets in his space). Jasper has a hard time remembering that he is still a baby and reacts to him sometimes as if he is a playmate, using his body to make his personal bubble bigger or grabbing a toy. You get the picture, right? I am still figuring this next stage of parenting two out. Aram is somewhat of a mama's boy too, so Jasper tends to get jealous of him always wanting to be in my lap, in my arms or nursing. He constantly wants to be in my space once I get home from work. If I go the bathroom he wines outside the door, if I go outside to take garbage out he wines, if I sit down without holding him he wines, if I cook dinner he winces---You can imagine that this is sometimes a bit tiring, but I love the feeling adoration that my boys (all of them) give me when I get home. That look in their eyes, their smiles, and Jasper screaming "MOMMY!" my long days away a little easier. And I know that this stage shall pass sooner than I want it to. 

brother love!

taking after his grandpops practicing his dr skills
and there it is folks...the unhappy face

hanging with cousin Caden

reading time with the boys

Aram is still only eating a few solid foods, mostly thinly pureed fruits and veggies, and nurses much of the time but he is growing (2 inches in the last couple of months) and seems to not care about food. He will try two or three bites every once in a while if he is really hungr, but only from your fingers and will not eat from a spoon. Furthermore to show his dislike of eating, if the food has any texture to it he gags like I am trying to shove cotton down his throat. Several people have told me that they read or have been told that it is ok because some babies don't eat until they are ready to, to avoid allergic reactions or until they have teeth (none of those yet either)---J did not get any until 12 months and it looks like Aram is on the same path. The one thing that we have been able to get him to eat are food pouches (I imagine we will all eat from these eventually when we ruin the earth and live on another planet). He will finish the entire 2.8 ounces in one shot and if he is really hungry will even eat two of them. They are great for on the go as well...or for husbands that don't like the messy ordeal of feeding (wink wink you know who you are).
For those of you that don't mind the messiness, chomping on some dried mango really makes Aram happy.

getting digital

helping with the dinner making

Aram is very active and in to everything. He has now started to look in cupboards and pull things down on himself if they are not put away. He pushes things around and loves going fast. Before long I know he will be walking and that is always little scary. He even fearlessly attempts the steps, which he will do whether not you are watching so you gotta be on your game. Go baby go!

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