Saturday, March 9, 2013

Brotherly Love

Aram mimics EVERYTHING his big brother does these days. He wants to eat, play, sleep---literally everything J does he tries to do. It is really fun to watch the two of them bond through this admiration and love for each other. Even when the space available is a tad small he will sneak himself into it so he can be near his brother. He tells his brother "love you" and gets really upset when his brother is upset too. Olde says that Aram gets really excited to pick his big brother up from school on days when J goes to preschool. He says "shoes, go, brobro" when the time is getting close to pick up time.

It is adorable.

Jasper has been good to his little brother too. He finds toys that are similar so that they can play together and gets very upset when Aram is in "danger"---such as trying to climb down a hill his brother just did that he views as too steep. He also does not like it when dad and I play "we are leaving aram" card when trying to get Aram to move on---which by the way does not work with this child.

The parent role of referee ...well that is a post for another time.

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