Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Getting heard in a family of loud

Aram has gotten really good at being heard in our loud family. First he asks to be up in your arms (which comes in various ways---pushing your legs, yelling "up, up, up", yelling "me too", whining or flat out crying until it grates on your soul and you pick him up, you get the idea) then if you are not looking at him while he is talking to you, he pushes your chin to face him and states "me". If that does not work, then he pushes your chin to face him, gets noes to nose with you and half growls and half yells "no mama, no mama." And that my friends does the trick. I usually stop what I am doing and pay attention to him. I then of course get the mommy guilt about wondering if I am neglecting my child....boohooboohooo. But really it is a life lesson, how to get someone's attention when you need it. Now we just need to work on the approach my sweet child.

1 comment:

Oldie said...

OR just don't ignore him to begin with;)