Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mom of Two Boys

I knew I would be out numbered but I really had no idea what this would mean as a mom, when the ultra sound tech said we were having a[nother] boy and Olde said with tears in his eyes..."I got my Micheletti boys."

Don't get me wrong I love having boys! BUT I have had to change my outlook on what it meant for me as a parent. Growing up I only had girls in my family, and therefore the increased level of violence/horsing around, words like poop/fart, and interest in penises needed an adjustment in my life. I frequently find my self checking in with Olde to make sure it is normal for them to be doing what they are doing as boys (and that we are not raising psychopaths).
Here are a few of my favorite things that, although I know girls do them too, I feel are more present in my boy world than friends with little girls.

silly faces---will I ever get a simple nice smiling face picture again?

swords and fighting (I've even created my own signature move---the mustache move, which is impenetrable)

Military forts---what is the obsession with these?
On our last excursion to one, there was a moment where another mom, with two boys also, and I made eye contact and had the momentary understanding of "yep there will be lots of these excursions in our life, not our favorite but worth the ohhh's and ahhhh's of the boys.

wrestling is normal and fun...but I've had to learn how to as this was not part of my up least not to the level of occurrence that it happens in our household.

poop/farts---it never gets old!

sticks and rocks---who needs toys! We have had a rock. stick pile right outside our front door since the boys could pick one up. And any moment they step outside there is one in their hands.

penises---and pee all over the bathroom. Recently it was discovered that one of our kiddos was not holding it right to pee and when I suggested an aiming technique that I read about on one of my mommy blogs, I was informed by Olde that was not what was other words but out of the penis world.

I think Eve, from That's My Apple blog, sums it up perfectly with this list:

1 comment:

Oldie said...

Holy shit, I'm laughing so hard. This might be my favorite post yet, love.