Sunday, February 15, 2015


Our first time taking Aram to swim lessons was pure torture. He screamed and literally climbed on
top of our heads to get out of the water. He wouldn't follow directions and cried almost the entire time we were in the water. Now you might think, well duh, it was probably freezing, but no this was in a heated pool and all we did was play games and splash. Even TT, fun aunt TT, could not get Aram to appreciate nor enjoy swim lessons. We tried everything.
So when we enrolled him for his second lesson, we were a bit worried about the situation since this time he would have to perform without parents in the water. And of course, he did fine! He jumped in the water, blew bubbles (sometimes) in the water, waited his turn to do back floats, searched for rings underwater and seemed to enjoy it more.

If he was not having fun, I completely blame the swim instructor. I even wrote a letter to the Portland Parks and Rec-Aquatics Dept about it (but never heard back).
August 29, 2014
Dear Nancy Roth,

I am writing to express concern about the aquatic class my son recently took. He was in the goldfish class at 6:40-7:10 pm in the last summer session at MT Scott Community Center. I was disappointed in the level of enthusiasm the teacher expressed, as well as the level of safety she took into her own hands while the students were in the water. Although I know not every one has a bubbly disposition, I was disappointed that she did not express enthusiasm with students, but had no problem showing that level of happiness to the other lifeguards. Furthermore, I had to redirect my son two times to not be in the "deep end" away from the class, which I would have hoped the instructor would have done for safe water practices.

With this being said, I am not writing to get the instructor in trouble but to allow some reflection on what can be improved upon.

If you would like to speak to me further about this situation, you can reach me at 503-------or

Thank for the consideration,
Let's hope 3rd time's a charm as we will start swim lessons again this spring once his ear drum rupture heals completely.

1 comment:

Pork said...

Hope he has a more positive experience and gets some real direction and have fun doing it. Good letter Mamma Kes!