Sunday, March 1, 2015

Piles, Piles, Piles...EVERYWHERE!

Olde and I were not pile-free people to begin with, but having kids has made piles happen at an increasingly higher rate and quantity.  I sometimes go over to friends houses that don't have kids and envy their visible surfaces that are gleaming from being wiped down or stained from mugs and cups that were able to find the actual surface to leave their imprint. But then I remember in my life there is just more stuff/people to coordinate, things to do, items to organize, and well, life has just happened at what seems a VERY fast rate leaving in it's wake... piles.
never-ending dishes pile
needed to be filed paperwork pile
feet hurting lego pile
shoe pile
in the bed pile
multiplying art work pile
outgrown clothes/toys sell pile
 We have solved some of the pile issues with creative solutions, but they still exist and at least once a month we try to get it somewhat organized, removing a majority of the piles. We always have the kids participate so that they recognize their ability to create piles and put them away too.
hide it in a drawer
hang art up to be enjoyed
make sure they have their own places for their piles
label places with pictures for their ability to organize their piles
make sure there is a capture-all type of contraption that is quick and easy to use
 I remember when piles used to stress me out, but as time has gone on I seem less compelled to allow that stress to enter my life. I recognize that the sign that my mom had hanging in the kitchen really is true.

 "Dull women have immaculate homes." ~Anonymous

So my advice to you is let go of your parental guilt around organizing, putting stuff away, getting to the dishes and just enjoy being a parent! Go have adventures out of your house where there are no piles!

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