Sunday, January 8, 2012

A kidless night

You know how sometimes you don't realize what you need until you get it...well, I had one of those episodes happen this weekend.

It had been one of those days were all my parenting skills had been done used up on a very tiring 3 year old that was not happy nor compliant in any way and when he asked to go into the playland at Freddies I said yes. So when Olde suggested that I go out with adults, have a drink and watch the new Portlandia premier. I hemmed and hawed over it...making excuses why I shouldn't...I am tired. Who will watch the kids? I can't drink alcohol, so why go? But with a little encouragement from a very supportive hubby, I had childcare arranged (THANK YOU SO MUCH to our neighbors Patrick and Becky for the last minute babysitting) and danced off to be with hubby and friends at a late night date of fun! As I entered one of my new favorite bars in NE portland, Moon and Six Pence, our friends looked so surprised to see me that I decided right then and there that I needed to do this more often. We did not see the Portlandia episode--as Portlanders like it so much the Hollywood Theater was full by the time we got there---but I had a great time being an adult and drinking some good old high fructose corn syrup root beer.

Thank you friends for the good times!

1 comment:

Sydney said...

It was a great surprise seeing you! Glad you had fun and that it served as a reminder that you should do it more often! ;-)