Monday, August 20, 2012

HFMD...the plague

Many of you know that my husband is kinda a germ-a-phobe since kids came into our lives. He does not mind dirt mind you, as he loves to garden and camp, but health germs like the ones you pick up at the hospital or grocery store gross him out and make his skin crawl. Therefore we have a strict hand washing and no shoes policy in our house, as you can imagine. With this being said I feel like we are always sick. I think it is the germs that Jas brings home mixed with germs little guy picks up from sticking everything in his mouth and cross contaminate with the germs I bring home from school and voila criss cross of every germ/bug circulating in Portland.

Well this most recent bout of plague just about put my husband over the edge. After several miserable days of high fever and sleepless nights, as well a refusal to nurse by little Aram, which we figured was a flu bug, little bumps started showing up on his hands, feet, elbows, chin and thighs...that kinda looked like blisters. After a quick call to nurse advice line, it was confirmed to be a case of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. YUCK! It sounds as gross as it is. AND IT IS VERY contagious. uggggh.

Although the nurse reassured me that adults rarely get it, I, of course, came down with the bug. Then it got Jasper (thankfully a milder version). So after several days of laying on the couch feeling horrible, eating a diet of tapioca, pudding, yogurt, grape gatorade, and jello (trying appease a very soar throat) I soon got the blister like dots on my hands and feet and in my mouth. Ughhh. On the bright side, 10 days later (7 of which I did not eat solids) I was fitting into my pre-prego pants.

It was the longest 10 days of my life (well not really... but definitely in the last year the longest 10 days). All four of us had to learn to co-inhabit the same space without really getting on each other's nerves, which we did pretty well considering the temperament of illness in the house. What made it really hard was that it was the two hottest days in Pdx thus far this summer. After about a week Jasper started to just run in circles around the house to burn off steam. One of the evenings we watched through the screened window dad hanging out with our neighbors outside and yearned to join them...all three of us called out hellos with a desire to play and chitchat.

Once I could get off the couch my hubby turned into the hand washing police, but I don't blame him. To be kept up among the sick for that long and not get sick, he must have been doing something right. I guess sleeping on the couch, no kissing/touching (including using different hand towels), and so much hand washing that his knuckles started to peel worked for him.

I would not wish this bug on sucked! Check the photo below of one of my fingers at it's worst stage...ewwwww.

what ever you do don't google this disease images...they are way grosser
 than this!

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