Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Opinions and Choices

At 13 months Aram got an opinion...well really he learned that he had choices and had some control over those choices. Sigh...he is growing up.

It first showed up when he could not be distracted by giving him a new toy when he wanted a toy that was not baby safe. He would actually cry---full out cry with tears and even sit down in protest sometimes (the first of many to come) ---and say "dissss" "dissss" pointing to what he wanted. I remember this distractibility stage being much longer for Jasper. Even more upsetting was when big brother would take a toy he was playing with...he sometimes now will hit (something he learned from his brother) to show his distaste for sharing/taking concept.  He even will shriek in dislike at his brother ( the beginnings of yelling) and look at me with "help mom" eyes...

He also is very opinionated about his food intake now...he likes to do it himself and sometimes won't let anyone feed him. He will totally refuse what I have made for him sometimes, even though he ate it just fine the day before. We have had to start to hide the fruit until he is done eating the other important items on his chair otherwise he will refuse by batting at the hand that feeds him (thanks Cousin Caden for teaching that one) or closing his mouth shut tight, requesting fruit only.

He is smart too. The other day he went into the kitchen and kept pointing at the stove saying "disss....dissss" and I could not figure out what he wanted...finally I realized that he wanted more pancakes, which is what I had last cooked on the stove. Thankfully I had a few left over and he was happy.

But the item he most  most opinionated about is nursing. We recently switched up the bedtime routine (in preparation of me going back to work and Old having to put him down for naps) to nurse first then read. While we were reading he kept pulling my shirt down saying "nurrrr, nurrr" and doing the sign for more...even though he had drained them...

sigh ....he is growing up...which is probably good since he will need to hold his own in our VERY opinionated house hold.

1 comment:

Old said...

Spicy times ahead for our spicy household!