Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Strangers Strangers Everywhere....Whhhhaaaaa!

Luckily we are a long ways off from driving a car!
Right before Aram learned to walk at 12 months he refused to be held by anyone except his mama, which was really cute at first but then it got really old. He even would cry if someone even looked at him or said hi to him through skype...it was crazy. If his dad picked him up he would reach for me or even cry if I would not take him. I kept thinking to myself that this was going to be a very long summer and tired to focus on that fact that the universe had put Aram's need to be in my arms at all times for a reason. For me, as his mama, it was a way to make me slow down for the summer and put the kids needs first---really to put my teacher hat on shelf. Looking back now, I think he also felt this eminent new scary level of independence (walking) around the corner.  It was the tango of learning to breath, slow down, and trust one another again.

1 comment:

Old said...

Whoa there exaggerator. He wouldn't let me hold him maybe two times:)