Tuesday, January 27, 2015


HAAAIIIIRRRRR!!!!! I would have never thought hair would be such a central topic for my life as a parent of two boys...boy, was I misguided and a bit sexist in my thinking. Aram has A-M-A-Z-I-N-G hair and everyone touches and ogles it all the time. He now is at the point were he just rolls his eyes at the hair comments, unless you call him a girl, at which point his stock phrase of "HEY I NOT A SHE, I A HE!' comes screeching your way. My favorite is to watch the older folks that really did mean to give him a compliment, having to back track their statement without further offending, because believe you me, he won't let that happen either.
down and blowing in the wind
up in a Samuri Bun
free flowing, mad dog style
dirty enough to style without gel
braided...not to sure of that one though
Hesher style, in the eyes and in the face
I think the hardest part, though is the tangles...tears happen frequently, as we try to brush out (wet brush has made a big impact in amount of tears though---thank you Ren Ren for this tip) the food, paint, slime, and other remnants of a 3 year old's daily life.
the snarls....


Aurora said...

the hair brushing thing is why neither of you girls had really long hair at that age... just didn't have the patience for it...

Old said...

He told me his favorite thing about his long hair is it gives him power and it's like a "nice warm rain hat!"