Friday, September 9, 2011

A letter to my second son

Dear Baby Aram,
It is that time of year again when I have to go back to school. It is always a bitter sweet for me. I love what I do and it makes me feel that my life is whole but I will miss you well as, your Big bro and Daddy. It has been a wonderful 3 months together and I will cherish it as we go forward onto new adventures together.

I have really enjoyed learning the delicate dance of nursing and exploring your new world and watching you grow from infant stage of sleeping 90% of your day to becoming a baby where you start to explore your surroundings and fall in love with your family.

Although I will be gone most of the day, do not fret little one as you have the best care giver a son could ask for, your daddy. He is a great role model with kindness, fun, silliness, and best of all, a gigantic bucket of love for his sons. I will be there in the evenings to play, nurse, and to tuck you in at night.

You will also have a big brother to entertain you during the day. He is a great big brother and will look after you as you grow older too. Jman calls this part of the day the boy's bar---which I think his trying to say---boys only in the club. hehehehe.

So my second son have a great time at the boy's bar and know that I will be thinking of you A LOT while I am away each day.

Love your Mama

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