Wednesday, September 21, 2011

An OverWhelming Life

Lately I can't seem to get ahead on life...I mean it is a miracle to even get the necessities accomplished like the dishes done, groceries bought, kids bathed, bills paid, gas in cars, check email, blog, etc...Having our wonderful addition to our family has made things 6 times ( not 2 times as I had previously thought) harder to get stuff done. People warned me ---mostly my father-in-law--- that it would be rough and difficult but I never imagined that I would feel so defeated at the end of the day. Between nursing and then giving equal amount of attention to big brother there is not time to get other stuff done. Case in point, the floors in our house are DISGUSTINGLY dirty and need to be swept in a really bad way...I have been trying to get to it for a weeks now. I had forgotten how much time it takes to simply be a mom. Plus then you add in work, exercise, time for hubby, and wow that slice of the pie of time that used to be for me has gotten really really small. I miss me time...and hope that it will return in larger quantities soon. Olde and I have completely given up trying to get stuff done around the house when we are home alone with the kids and even though we are always apologizing for not getting stuff done to each other, both of use never fault each other as we know it is near impossible to even make a phone call when you are alone with the boys. And how Olde does it ---I mean being home all the time alone with the boys---I have no idea. I think I would go crazy. Maybe he does --although you would never know it---and that is why I come home to this some days...

BUT even though this is a hard hill to climb, I love every minute of it. Is that weird? I guess what I am trying to say is that when Young Old was born I did not know that part of my heart even existed.  I thought I knew what love was until he came into my life and that new way of viewing love was discovered. Once Old and I decided to have a second child, then I wondered how I would share that part in my heart with another being but what I have learned is that that part of my heart has gotten bigger instead of being split in two as I had expected---kinda like when the Grinch's heart grew when he was infected with the holiday spirit. Now if only time would grow longer to accommodate this new family dynamic.

So as tired as I am and sad that I don't have as much time for me I would never take it all back. This is my life and I love every minute of it! I mean look at him, how could you not?

check out the new skills in the bumbo chair


Anonymous said...

What a little man Aram has become...Give Young Olde, aka Jas, aka Little Man (in caps) a hug from Pork!

Sydney said...

Great post, Kes! Keep your head up...You and Oldie are doing such a great job and are truly phenomenal parents! By the way, the pic of the three boys asleep on the couch is priceless!

Jennifer W said...

That picture of all your guys sleeping is hilarious!

Ye Olde Hubby said...

I have no idea how you muster the energy to are insane and I love you for it;)