Friday, September 9, 2011

Rattle Time

It always amazes me when a new developmental stage is is one that makes life fun from here until infinity. Once a baby can grasp things, it is rattle time, finger grabbing time, and hair/earring grabbing get the idea. J-man is loving that his little brother can now doing something besides sleep and eat and poop (although he loves helping change diapers) and tries to put things in his hands all the time. Time to teach Jman about appropriate toys for babies!

Aram has also started to put his fingers in mouth---or for that matter, any other fleshy thing that passes by his mouth. He will suck his pointer and middle finger to put himself to sleep even. The other night I was getting myself ready for bed in the bathroom before nursing him and putting him to sleep, and when I went in the bedroom, he was out, fingers in mouth and totally content. It is cute but man it might be a hard habit to break...not to mention a germy habit. ewwwww.

Other fun things that Aram is doing: watching every move Jman makes---this is especially scary when he is watching him have melt downs or when he is acting out  by hitting or kicking. I hope he sees the time out portion too. hehehe. He has also started noticing his toes and will spend time staring at them in amazement as if to say "where did those come from and am I making them move, wow!"

It is so fun to watch my little one grow but at the same time a little sad to know that I will not ever experience this again. So to all you soon to be mamas out there---you know who you are---my advice is, some how find a way to document these memories cause they will fade as each stage in your babies life is reached.

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